Addis Ababa Campus
Mekane Yesus Seminary, as a training institute of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, was established in 1960. Mekane Yesus Management and Leadership College (MY-MLC) was started in 1995 as a department of the Seminary. At first MY-MLC offered two-year diploma level courses in Management, Leadership, Development and Communication. In 2005 the College upgraded its education to Bachelor level in order to serve better both the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) and the communities of the country at large with full accreditation of HERQA. The College is working to produce trained personnel through provision of quality education in Leadership and Development, Gender and Development, and Accounting and Finance, and Management. The main objective of the College is to help all of its students and staff to aspire for high ethical standards and to develop their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the Ethiopian and African societies through maintaining excellence in learning and teaching.
The highest decision-making body in the EECMY is the General Assembly which meets every four years. The issue of developing training capacities of the Church training institutions, especially MY-MLC, was brought to the attention of the 16th General Assembly. The General Assembly thoroughly discussed the matter and resolved that MY-MLC shall grow to Mekane Yesus University by adding more disciplines and upgrading its training gradually to Master and Doctorate levels. Based on the resolution of the General Assembly, the Council of the Church, which is the second highest decision-making body of the Church, decided in July 2013 to start Master's level training at MY-MLC. In the line of the decisions of the General Assembly and the Church Council the MY-MLC started the Master of Arts Program in Organizational Leadership in 2014.
In line with the EECMY's Five Year Strategic Plan (2013 - 2017), education for Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership was initiated aiming at building the leadership capacity of EECMY leaders and beyond. Leadership capacity building and staff training and development are among the issues identified as core thematic areas in the Church Strategic Plan.
The vision of MY-MLC is to become nationally renowned center of academic excellence and emerging as a university by 2030.
MY-MLC is committed to produce ethical and competent graduates with entrepreneurial mindsets, undertake problem solving research, disseminate knowledge, and provide demand-driven transformative community services.
MY-MLC has a well-educated and experienced professional and administrative staff, consisting of nationals and a few expatriates. The staff is highly dedicated to the task of making the College a center of academic excellence and a place where students and staff can grow and learn on a professional and personal level.
The College is led by a Dean who is responsible for overall management, leadership and development of the College. The Associate Dean deals with both academic and administrative matters. Under the supervision of the Dean, there are department heads elected from among the teaching staff. Currently, the College has 23 full-time Faculty members as well as part-time instructors. In addition, there are several full-time staff working at administrative functions.
Degree Programs
The College currently offers higher education programs accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education both at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Undergraduate Programs (Regular, Evening and Distance)
The College offers undergraduate programs both as regular programs and extension programs. The undergraduate programs offered are the following:
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Management.
- Undergraduate Admission Requirements
Applicants for admission to undergraduate higher education course will normally have achieved results acceptable to the College in one (1) or more of the following:
- Successful completion of the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination and has achieved the required pass mark approved for admission by Minister of Science and Higher Education (MOSHE), Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Education (MOE) and Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) for the academic year;
- Successful completion of a Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) program (10+3, or Level-4) or a 12+2 diploma in related fields and a Certificate of Competence (COC) in Level-IV or higher, plus One-year work experience and passing an entrance examination administered by the College.
- Successful completion of a degree program from Public Universities and an accredited private university or College with a possibility of exemption of courses up to 25%;
- Overseas secondary or tertiary qualifications considered equivalent to the above Ethiopian qualifications (a letter of Equivalence generated from MOE or HREQA);
- No discrimination in terms of gender, religion, physical disability, and ethnicity background
- Transfer from another public or private Institution with a possibility of credit transfer up to 25% of the credit requirement. This excludes academically dismissed applicants.
Duration of the Studies
The duration of the studies for a Bachelor of Arts Degree is four years for regular degree programs. While studying in the extension program the length of the study is five years.
Graduate Program (Regular only)
Starting from the academic year 2014/2015, the College is offering a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership. Masters of Business Administration (MBA) is coming soon, during academic year 2019/2020.
Admission Requirements
A minimum admission requirement for the Master of Arts Program in Organizational Leadership is a Bachelor degree with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 or equivalent from an accredited higher education institution and a pass on the entrance exam. The entrance exam includes both written and oral tasks. Sufficient oral and written skills of English must be demonstrated on the exam.
For those who join from related educational programs, it may be a requirement to take bridging courses stipulated in the curriculum.
Foreign students must provide a Letter of Equivalence from Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA).
Duration of the Study
Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership is a two-year program in regular program with a total of 36 credit hours. The program consists of:
Core courses (including Master's Thesis), 34 credit hours.
One of the two elective courses of 2 credit hours.
Additional bridging courses are required from students, who have graduated from related fields of education.
Department Contact Info
+251 113 210 278