
Monthly Academic Seminar

Academic Seminar held featuring a speaker, Dr. Theol. Ivar Vegge, an associate professor in NT from Fjellhaug International University College under the topic "With a Strong Primary Identity, 'In Christ,' the Church Can Flourish with a Plurality of Secondary Identities"

PowerPoint attached bellow.


Monthly Academic Seminar

An Enriching and insightful academic seminar held in Emmanuel G/Selassie Hall featuring Dr. Desta Heliso Ph.D, Who is the founder and executive director of SOPHOS Africa. The seminar was titled "Beyond Identity Politics! - Ethnocentrism and the Future Ethiopia,"

PowerPoint attached bellow.

GT research center post

Academic Seminar

Intercultural Hermeneutics is an ever-changing state of being, thinking, and acting; hence, its specific feature of being a lifestyle, discipline, method, and paradigm. As a mode of thinking, it likewise operates as a scientific, interpretive tool in which the material object is the inherent interculturality or natural interconnectedness between human cultures.

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